Friends of Coralville Lake

A non-profit corporation focused on
improving and maintaining the Coralville Lake area

The Friends of Coralville Lake (FOCL) is a non-profit partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) and local organizations interested in the well being of the Coralville Lake. FOCL is committed to enhancing the recreational and aesthetic values of the area it serves, by connecting the people of the local community with the land through its three core values: communication, education, and conservation.

Save the Lake Campaign Presentation

AbouT US

Find out about our organization, mission, and our methods.

Click on above image to view the presentation

Click on above image to view the presentation

New Presentation on Sedimentation in Coralville Lake is now available. Here is the Facebook live feed from the presentation.

New Presentation on Sedimentation in Coralville Lake is now available. Here is the Facebook live feed from the presentation.


View our current projects as well as the results of our advocacy.

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